Saturday, March 24, 2012

And We're back on track!

Cartoon Fractions-Students made a story problem about sharing cookies equally.

This week we worked on the importance of being able to visualize what we read. I read a poem to the students and they made a drawing from what they heard. It was fun to see how they were all different!

Science-Plant projects- Students had to make up a fake plant. They had to list things that their plant needed, where it lived, and how it survived. We made up funny answers like " my plant needs worms and sparkles to eat' 'it lives on a fish' I love how creative the kids are!

Dictionary Skills- Students were put into groups and had to decide on a word to look up. These are our dictionary kites!

Probability bean bag toss- The kids rotated around to different stations and predicted what shape they would most likely/least likely land on.

Math- We are starting addition and subtraction word problems. Science- Plant and animals interaction and basic needs. Reading- Whistle for Willie
I will be gone on Friday, the students will have a sub. Sight word, fluency, and the reading test will be on Thursday.