Monday, May 7, 2012

Almost Summer

Adjectives- This week we worked on adjectives. The students had to describe their favorite food to a chef.

 The students were given food in a plastic baggie. They had to describe it to their partner until he or she guess it.
 The Best Nest- After reading the students had to write an opinion paper on which nest was best.

 Area- This is Austen's Dream house. The kids came up with their own floor plan and found the area of each room.
 Area- Cookie Area- Cami had to predict the area of her cookie measuring with M&M's.
 Alyzae's prediction was correct!
 Fruit Loop Area
 Area creatures

 We loved Mrs. Howard's class coming and reading to us.
This weeks story is- Inspector Hopper-A Boat Dissapeared, Spelling Contract 28, Science- Investigating Organisms, Math- Mass